Skeptech Speaker Week: The Reckoning
Today is the last day of Skeptech Speaker Week! The gods of science, reason, and lollipops have decided that upon this day, four more names shall be released. And it was good.
No, but seriously, our 2014 lineup is kickass. Help us welcome them and make this year a success!
Bethany Brookshire (Scicurious)
Bethany Brookshire has a B.S. in biology and a B.A. in philosophy from The College of William and Mary, and a Ph.D. in physiology and pharmacology from Wake Forest University School of Medicine. She is the guest editor of The Open Laboratory Anthology of Science Blogging, 2009, and the winner of the Society for Neuroscience Next Generation Award and the Three Quarks Daily Science Writing Award, among others. She blogs at Eureka! Lab and at Scicurious. You can follow her on Twitter as @scicurious.
Heina Dadabhoy
Heina Dadabhoy [hee-na dad-uh-boy] spent her childhood as a practicing Muslim who never in her right mind would have believed that she would grow up to be an atheist feminist secular humanist, or, in other words, a Skepchick. She has been an active participant in atheist organizations and events in and around Orange County, CA since 2007. She is currently writing A Skeptic’s Guide to Islam. You can follow her on Facebook or Google+, and on twitter as @futilityfiles. You will most certainly not be sorry.
David Tamayo is president and founder of Hispanic American Freethinkers (HAFree), the national organization that promotes critical thinking skills and secularism among Latino and Hispanic communities. He is the host of the HAFree Podcast, one of the few skeptical podcasts available in Spanish. David has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from George Washington University and a Master’s degree in Management of Information Technology from University of Virginia at Charlottesville. He is currently the Vice President of Technology for a D.C. company. You can find more about his activism and HAFree here.
Jessica Kirsner is the Development Associate for the Secular Student Alliance. She was raised in a religious Texas community, but grew up in a reform Jewish household in which critical thinking and science were valued. She has a BA in biology and a minor in political science from the University of Miami. As an undergraduate, she was active with UM’s SSA affiliate, SHAARKS, but has now graduated to big kid activism.
And as always, if you like who we’ve booked and want to help Skeptech happen, Donate!
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